TOP 5 Affiliate Niches in the Latest Marketing Trends [Huge Commissions and Uncompetitive]
Curious about what verticals will be on top of Affiliate Marketing in 2022?
You are in the right place! In this post, we focus on the best niches for Affiliate Marketing that hitting trends, and of course, in-depth explanations for why you should pick them this year and what suits you best.
So guys, let Dynu In Media guide you if you are ready to surf the Affiliate wave ahead!
Look at how Sweepstakes vertical slays!
Regard Sweepstakes as the most exciting and stable vertical in Affiliate Marketing?
You’ve got the point!
According to a report by STM forum (the world’s #1 Affiliate Community), Sweeps places the 2nd right after Ecommerce in Top Offer Types in 2021.
The reason for this hot is mainly because people always love to participate in contests for a chance to win something. And like the psychology of playing the lottery, numerous users trying it out is obvious, leading conversion rates to the next level, compared to other best niches for Affiliate Marketing.
Consider as one of the low competition niches for affiliate marketing, so far, Facebook, Push, Pop, and Email are the most popular types of traffic for running Sweepstakes offers in Affiliate Marketing. Just think someone is surfing the net in boredom and seeing push ads sweeps up for example. It is certain that he clicks on it at times to try his luck. But you know what, it’s quite subjective. If you want to jump in, use the one you have already mastered, this vertical is successfully run on different traffic sources!
Alright, enough theory, then what factors make this Affiliate Marketing vertical keep shining and be the top niches for Affiliate Marketing?
“Covid here, Covid there… Covid everywhere!!”
When the pandemic came, the Sweepstakes and contest industry witnessed a slight decline, but it backed with a powerful breakthrough right after that.
Some Sweepstakes campaigns were incorporated into new Covid-19 angles to benefit from the situation. Didn’t stop there, people have been spending more of their lives online (+4% by Datareportal), combined with a stronger wish-for-luck mentality than ever before, Sweepstakes hit the Affiliate Marketing trends, irrefutable!
Sounds interesting? Now let’s have a quick look at Dynu In Media’s Sweeps Spotlight:

Finance vertical, keep it moving!
Although it’s easy to handle; no one puts all their eggs in one basket, and runs only Sweeps all their life. Affiliates always make the game more challenging and risky, and along with this, higher profit.
Considered to be one of the best niches for Affiliate Marketing and also the hardest vertical for newbies to run their campaigns. Really! Buying something related to finance is more serious and significant than participating in giveaways. You have to be inventive, always, to convince your audience. However, once you already have enough experience and find your feet with this, lots of opportunities for your campaign expansion. In other words, you are on your way to filling your success with the highest ROI.
Alright, we all know that the real data is what you care about this part. It’s right here!
43% is the average conversion rate of Finance in 2021 by Ruler Analytics, and it can partly predict the explosive growth in 2022. That’s why this vertical is on our list here.
Finance fits best for Native, Google, and Push traffic. Since if you promote Finance as a knowledge-sharing post/article, the conversion rate will increase a lot. As I said, Finance is a difficult race, you will have to spend a lot of effort to convince your audience to believe. Finally, if you think your traffic matches, don’t hesitate to step into this most lucrative affiliate vertical!
No vertical is without its challenges, NOTHING works unless you try. Why don’t you try and catch this one of the best niches for Affiliate Marketing?

E-commerce is definitely the vertical that you need!
If you aren’t familiar with the E-commerce vertical, you must’ve lived under a rock.
Going viral since the pandemic rampaging the globe, E-commerce has become one of the top verticals in 2021 (also the best niches for Affiliate Marketing) as it partly changes people’s shopping behaviors.
$11 trillion between 2021 and 2025 is the expected boosting number of E-commerce industry, and guess what, $5 trillion is the one for 2022, as Shopify. Such an impressive number, isn’t it?
There is always a promotion, always a sale with online retailers. As an affiliate, can see this opportunity as an offer pool to dive deep and boost your earnings. You will never be out of options, for sure.
This vertical is a mainstream one, so the traffic sources are mainly social media platforms, search traffic, and native traffic. Besides, some of the best platforms today for e-commerce campaigns are Facebook, Tiktok, and Pinterest. E-commerce is also considered the best niche for affiliate marketing on Instagram. It would be easy to make money from this vertical, for sure.
What is the hottest niche online? – You have your own answer.
And even if you are confused and don’t know how to choose the most suitable one to run your campaign, Dynu In Media is always here to remove your worries and accompany you. Just drop us a message.
E-commerce is suitable for all types of backgrounds, traffic, and levels, (and you totally can search products at Google Trends) combined with changed shopping habits after Covid-19, it’s no surprise that this one will certainly stay on top Affiliate Marketing verticals in 2022!
And now, Here is the list of our highest payout E-commerce offers for you!

Is Nutra the most profitable vertical?
Evergreen affiliate vertical – Profitable vertical, that’s what we call Nutra.
This top vertical steadily provides affiliates with high-profit thanks to payouts on par with even gambling.
With hundreds of years old, this vertical has maintained a tremendous conversion rate because people are always looking for ways to solve their troubles with the least effort possible. Moreover, Nutra hits even harder Affiliate Marketing trends after the pandemic, when people get into taking extra care about their health. Then became one of the best niches for Affiliate Marketing so far.
If you don’t know, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest are the ones that can help you reach your best target audience in this. Native ads seem like an outdated format; However, this is a plentiful traffic source for those experienced with it.
And, to catch your attention in the very last step, here is the newest data by Statista in Q1 2022, and Nutra products in e-commerce sites have almost the highest online conversion rates worldwide.
Which niches are in demand? Nutra is definitely on the list!
If you’re excited enough, here are some of the best Nutra offers:

Boost your ROI via Insurance vertical!
What are the most profitable niches?
Health issues are always the top concern, then insurance would be an inevitable thing. The US 2020 population was close to 335 million in 2021, and about 92% of the population had insurance, according to USA Facts.
Needless to say, Insurance is an indispensable name on this list of Affiliate Marketing verticals and is the real deal!
But wait, is it that easy?
Even though it’s appealing, Insurance is quite tricky at first glance since it’s a high entry barrier, compared to other best niches for Affiliate Marketing. These types of offers require serious investments at the start. You need to take the time to learn thoroughly about them and have sufficient resources to convince your customers.
Even though Insurance is often very demanding, a tip for you here is, this vertical can bring you real cash via Social, Native, Google, and Push Traffic (the best niche for blogging). So if you know how to invest and optimize traffic for it in the right way.
And if you still have doubts and want to find out more about these verticals, just contact us. Dynu In Media does not promise that you can make tons of money from Insurance, but we can guarantee to bring the best and most suitable option for you to do it!
What are the best niches? – You have your own thoughts!
Kick off your campaigns smartly and go get some bucks from Dynu In Media Insurance Offers Here!

>>>Curious about the Affiliate offers: Full explanation & How to pick them? Dive here: Best Affiliate Offer!
Dynu In Media will always be here, providing you with the best niches for Affiliate Marketing you desire! And the last word, again guys, NOTHING works unless you try! Drop a comment below if you have any thoughts on this post!!