What Is a Landing Page? How to Create Landing Pages to Drive Your Traffic?
How to build a landing page that drives traffic to your site?
When accessing the website, users often browse a lot of different information such as price, color, and shape of products before reaching the page they need.
So, what is a landing page? How to create landing pages that drive real traffic? Although there is the bulk of information on the Internet, Dynu In Media will show what it takes to run a campaign more effectively. Don’t miss the sight of what is essential.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is a single web page with focused content that guides and convinces readers to accomplish a specific conversion goal in online advertising campaigns.
Put it another way, a landing page is defined as the screen used to collect the contact information of individuals who reached your website via your affiliate links. When a visitor inputs their data, they are added to your list. Your merchant will pay you after a sale is completed. A landing page is a great approach to grow your subscriber base.
An underlying landing page must have the following characteristics:
- Title (which represents the core values of the products, goods, or services that the company provides).
- Form.
- Messages about the benefits that products or services offered to customers.
- The button section calls customers to action. This is a vital and indispensable part of improving the conversion rate.
- Product illustrations need to be detailed and beautiful.
- Post-conversion site section.

There are 3 popular types of landing pages:
- Lead generation page: Collect basic information of potential customers (such as full name, email, phone number) with registration form and always come with users exchange benefits such as ebook, webinar, online workshop, free consultation, gift, discount code, etc. to use for marketing activities later.
- Sales page: Persuading a customer to make decisions right on the Landing page through hitting products/ service content such as customer benefits, outstanding features, customer feedback, price list, policies, and so on to help users have enough information to make purchasing decisions.
- Click-through page: Leading readers to redirect the main conversion page. The conversion intermediary landing page only uses the call-to-action button to redirect to another page, not the signup form. In addition, in e-commerce, the intermediate landing page will provide complete information about the product and lead customers to the shopping cart page of the main website.
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Why are landing pages important?
“Why do I need a landing page when I can get the information from a straight link?” your first thought maybe. Yes, this is a component of the solution. When you use a direct link to a website, the proprietors of that website have access to your contact information. You don’t want to upload a lengthy sales page to gather their information and email it to you. As a result, you will only receive one answer for every 100 visits. Why not just create a page based on the information that was sent to you?

Why not create a page that will assist you in growing your list? Your landing page is a method for you to establish a list. The best way to construct a list is to provide a one-stop shop where customers can see items and ask questions.
Tools needed to build a landing page
Thus, we have learned details about the benefits that landing pages bring about. Surely everyone realizes that landing pages are really important, necessary for affiliate marketing campaigns. So how can we create landing pages, what tools do we need to make them?

Currently, to be able to create quality landing pages, we can ultimately use free tools such as:
Google site: If you are using Chrome or Firefox, Google site will be a great choice when building a landing page. Here, users can choose from many beautiful interfaces that are extremely simple to use and use and easy to get used to.
WordPress: WordPress is probably a very familiar platform for anyone who has ever designed a professional website or done other related work. The first advantage that this platform possesses is that they are incredibly user-friendly through the interface as well as the technique of use. However, to be able to design a WordPress website, you need to possess a certain level of coding ability to work.
Weebly: Weebly is considered a leading platform in helping users create websites like landing pages effectively these days. Although possessing many advantages such as a beautiful, friendly interface, and simple use technique with drag and drop. Still, Weebly also has the disadvantage that users need to register to use domain name services starting with Weebly can be used.
How to generate a landing page in affiliate marketing?

You can create a landing page easily with 5 steps to affiliate marketing and advertising campaigns.
- Step 1: Identifying desired conversion goals and KPIs to achieve.
- Step 2: Generating content to persuade customers to take targeted action.
- Step 3: Designing the landing page interface with the content in step 2.
- Step 4: Running some tests to select the best one and maintain it.
- Step 5: Measuring the metrics and giving the report.
Moreover, you can hire a technical team to build landing page code or use self-made landing page platforms without any more technical features like unbounce.com, instapage.com, etc. In this way, you don’t need storage hosting because the website has everything you need.
Common mistakes when designing landing pages
Although we can design a landing page systematically following the steps outlined above, for those who do not have much experience, there will undoubtedly be quite a few mistakes and problems that can occur. Of course, if you don’t want to go through that trouble, the information below will be helpful for you.
Common mistakes when designing landing pages:
- Don’t focus on the logo.
- Fonts do not match.
- Errors using unscientific colors.
- No clear goal.
DYNU IN MEDIA has learned a lot of exciting and valuable information about the landing page. Thereby, you can see that landing page design is a crucial component in affiliate marketing and e-commerce today. If you want to enter this extremely potential field, then surely learning about landing pages will bring us many advantages.
>>>Click here: Top 10 affiliate marketing websites for beginners
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